Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 8: My Project Plan

I have finished my draft project plan: I am so excited! When I started it, a had a very vague idea of what I would do. But now, after following this wonderful course step-by-step, I am so happy that I have come up with a very interesting project plan ready for implementation in about a month;s time (of course, after my peers' and Deborah's approval).

As my project is related to using multimedia in English language teaching, I mainly followed the stages we had undertaken within our Oregon online course.

As the course I am going to deliver from September 2010 is absolutely new, something that I haven't done before, I was a little scared about its success. Certainly, I have searched for some material to write a syllabus, but I felt that it lacked some 'spice'. Now I have designed a NEW syllabus, adding nearly all the 'technology spices' we have learned. And I am almost sure my students will enjoy doing this course, as now it is more student-centered, practice-oriented, and encouraging learner autonomy.

Many thanks to Deborah and the whole staff of University of Oregon American English Institute for creating such a wonderful and extremely useful course to meet today's challenging demands in teaching.


  1. Congratulations Bella and good luck!


  2. Thank you, Luiza. The same to you.


  3. Dear Bella,

    We, the teachers enrolled in this course, accepted full responsibility for the learning process, acknowledging that success in our students ‘learning depends crucially on ourselves. This acceptance of responsibility entails that we set out to learn, “in a systematic, deliberate way” (Holec 1981, p.3).

    From the first tasks and discussions we came with additional materials to be studied, others than Deborah suggested –wasn’t that a sign of autonomy?

    Our reflective blogs developed our skills of reflection and analysis that enable us to plan, monitor and evaluate our learning. In our commitment to learning most of us proved to be enthusiastic (as you are in this post), hence motivated. I have to add here the positive feedback from our colleagues and Deborah. Being motivated in our learning we are autonomous learners.

    That is why, at this point, we are able to freely apply our knowledge outside the immediate context of learning, in our classrooms.

    I could conclude that teacher-as-a learner autonomy belongs together with the idea that one of the functions of education is to equip teachers-as-learners to play an active role in their teaching approach

  4. Congratulations Bella and good luck! Keep up the good work..
    Research Paper
