Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 6: Engaging Students - Technology Aids; Teaching Large Classes; Creating Interactive PowerPoint Show; Project Task 4

When I first read the assignments for this week, I thought that it would be a little lighter, as I was familiar with PowerPoint Presentations. But, it was a real discovery for me to read about the different ways of application of this really POWERFUL tool, especially to learn about Interactive PowerPoint. The metaphor used by the Teaching Effectiveness Program – unleashing the power of PowerPoint – describes exactly its character: http://

It offers a variety of issues, both pedagogical and technical, to employ this tool effectively in order to engage students in the learning process, especially in large classes, to incorporate classroom assessment techniques and to use methods to accommodate multiple learning styles.
Below is the list of topics, which, in my opinion, provides almost comprehensive information necessary for a teacher to make the best use of PowerPoint:

  • Best Practices in Presenting with PowerPoint;
  • Adding Animation to Your PowerPoint Presentation;
  • Adding Interaction to Your PowerPoint Presentation;
  • Incorporating Multimedia into Your Teaching;
  • Understanding Digital Images.

Very interesting material for Teaching Large Classes, provided at: http://

The issues discussed are: Keeping students engaged in large lecture classes, Making technology work for you, Getting groups to work well, and many more… , endless links of valuable sources of information. In fact, for me it is a huge amount to digest. I need time to transform all this into practical things.

However, as I look back, I marvel at how many new technologies I have already learned! Though I haven’t yet created my Interactive PowerPoint show, and to tell the truth, I’m a bit scared to get down to it – still contemplating about the content and the technical side.

As for my Project Plan Task:

I intend to create an on-line course: “Using Multimedia in ELT” in the Moodle. This course covers not only using electronic media, but the focus will be , of course on using technology in teaching.

I agree with Stephen, when he says that our Delicious Bookmarks can serve as ‘a repository of ideas’. One of the links I’ve bookmarked is Onestopenglish | Methodology: using video in English teaching,, in which Scott Thornbury gives advice and suggestions on how to use video in English teaching for starter/beginner, advanced, elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate levels.

Then There is Free Technology for Teachers written by Richard Byrne,, from which I can download free resources and lesson plans for teaching with technology.

I will also look at Teaching Today Web-link-ography at:, a directory of web link resources. As they claim, the links were carefully selected to help teachers find free, valuable classroom resources.

And , of course, I will implement all the techniques and tools I have learned so far, and will learn in the future, including Blogs, wikis, Webquests, Rubrics, PBL, PowerPoint, etc.


  1. Hi Bella,

    There is a large amount of information for me to digest as well. I need to think about how to integrate these new methods and this new technology into my lessons. As you say, we need to transform this into practical things. I think when we can do this, we can say that we truly understand these new ideas.

    Thanks for the links, especially the one to the blog by Richard Byrne. That is particularly interesting to me and I'll be adding it to my delicious links.

    Good luck with your multimedia project!


  2. Dear Bella,

    Thanks so much for your interesting post. Also, I thought this week would be a little bit lighter, but it takes more time and effort reading Deborah’s valuable resources and creating my first real interactive PowerPoint as I think. I used to create PowerPoint presentations for my students and trainees, however I didn’t use them interactively. Thanks so much for Deborah and all colleagues, now I have a very large bag of PowerPoint tricks and features. Yes, it is a powerful tool with many potentials if used appropriately.

    For your online course, I have a question about it. Will it be a distance learning experience? I mean online interaction only or something blended; some tasks done in the classroom and other tasks done online.

    Keep up the good work!


  3. Dear Azhar,

    Thanks for your comment. I have seen your PowerPoint presentation - It's great, I liked everything: the design, the content, the interactive tools.

    As for your question, my online course will be blended. In Georgia, we don't have yet the acknowledgment of online education as an alternative form, that is, we can use it only as something supplementary to the face-to-face lectures. It is something extra, at the moment, based purely on the teacher's enthusiasm: I mean, we are neither paid for extra hours spent on the design, nor for its application. And students are obliged to attend F2F lectures by all means.

    Despite this fact, I'm really interested in learning more about integrating technology in teaching, as I am convinced that this is the way to improving the quality of education, as we all live in the technological era. I want to keep pace with technological progress. Educating future teachers, I should learn more in order to teach more effectively.

    Best Bella

  4. Dear Janet,

    Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you found some of my resources interesting and helpful.

    Good luck to all of us with our projects!

  5. Dear Bella

    Nice meeting you on line.

    This was a busy but very fruitful week.
    We definitely need to practise all these ineresting ideas Blogs, wikis, Webquests, Rubrics, PBL, PowerPoint, etc. otherwise our efforts would be wasted.

    Good luck with Moodle. I used it briefly and found it to be simple and easy to use.


  6. Dear Bella,

    Thanks so much for your viewing my PP presentation and for your reply to my question. You know even there is a great deal of research about online-based courses, but blended learning is more beneficial for students. One of the most wonderful features of human being is the F2F interaction. It is not fair to deprive them of it. So, it is good if we blend both traditional and online courses in one framework. This means that we have the advantages of both.

    Thanks again for your fruitful discussion!

